March 12, 2025
Open enrollment currently runs from Nov. 1 through Jan. 15. However, a proposed rule released on Monday would shorten ObamaCare open enrollment through Dec. 15.
The Trump administration proposes to shorten the annual open enrollment period for ObamaCare, which runs from Nov. 1 through Jan. 15. However, a proposed rule released Monday would extend it through Dec. 15.
According to The Hill, the administration says shortening the open enrollment period would help consumers pick the right plan.
“This proposal aims to reduce consumer confusion, streamline the enrollment process, align more closely with open enrollment dates for many employer-based health plans, encourage continuous coverage, and reduce the risk of adverse selection from consumers who otherwise may wait to enroll until they need health care services,” the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) said in a fact sheet.
The move is nothing new. President Trump shortened open enrollment to seven weeks during his first term. He also cut funding for advertising and allowed consumers to choose short-term plans after his attempts to repeal the law failed. As The Hill points out, enrollment numbers dropped significantly during Trump’s first term.
Under President Biden, a record number of people enrolled in Affordable Care Act plans. An estimated 24 million people are enrolled in health plans.
Trump Ends ObamaCare Open Enrollment For Dreamers, Immigrants
The Trump administration also proposed limiting the open enrollment period and restricting who can sign up for plans. The CMS proposed ending ObamaCare coverage for immigrants who came into the U.S. illegally as children, known as “Dreamers.” CMS has also proposed ending the Biden-era rule that allowed nearly 147,000 immigrants to enroll in coverage. The Biden-era rule is still being litigated in court after a federal judge blocked it from being enforced in 19 states.
Another rule CMS has proposed is ensuring that “sex trait modification” is not covered as an essential health benefit for people enrolled in Affordable Care Act plans beginning in 2026.
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