Weather-caused issues on Topanga Canyon Boulevard will keep the road closed for an unspecified amount of time in the Santa Monica Mountains, according to Caltrans.
The oft-damaged and closed road will require structural repair and cleanup after recent rains caused wash-outs along the road. That work is in addition to the repairs needed after the Palisades Fire torched tens of thousands of acres in the area.
The closure will affect the road between between Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) and Grand View Drive.
Caltrans said access for emergency responders will be available, and it’s exploring options for limited access in the near future, but as of now, it’ll remain closed for the public with no estimated time for reopening.

The decision was made after a recent discovery of a large boulder in an unstable position above the roadway. It was eventually removed on Feb. 24, but it posed a threat to crews working to restore the road after recent rains and fire-related damage.
Among the necessary repairs are the rerouting of a main water line and underground electrical work. Crews will also install a rockfall cable mesh to help prevent rocks and boulders from rolling off slopes and into the road.
“We recognize the critical role these corridors play in the clean-up and recovery efforts for the residents and the public,” Caltrans said. “The decision to reopen lanes must be a joint decision from all parties with a specific plan in place and with safety as the top consideration. We will keep you informed of potential plans to provide limited, escorted access during designated periods.”