The Beverly Hills home of actor Nicole Kidman and country music artist Keith Urban was reportedly broken into over the weekend, TMZ reported.
Citing “law enforcement sources,” the tabloid outlet said the intruder smashed a window to gain entry to the home and was later scared away when a member of the couple’s staff returned to the property in the Beverly Crest neighborhood of Beverly Hills.
Kidman nor Urban were reportedly there when the break-in occurred.
It’s unknown what, if anything, was taken from the celebrity power couple’s residence.

This break-in comes after reports of a break-in at the home of Los Angeles Foot Club star Olivier Giroud.
In that instance, the 38-year-old Frenchman’s wife told police that $500,000 worth of jewelry, including more than 10 men’s luxury watches, were nicked by thieves who smashed a window to get into the home.
In early December, security guards chased four masked intruders off actor, writer and director Tyler Perry’s property in Beverly Ridge Estates, leaving behind a backpack full of tools like crowbars, gloves and a cellphone.
Luckily for Perry, his on-site security personnel spotted the trespassers using thermal imaging and were able to intercept them as they were walking through shrubs on the property.
Just months before that, burglars attempted to get into the L.A. home of celebrity couple Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson in the Pacific Palisades. Again, a window was smashed, but the couple’s alarm was trigged and the thieves did not gain entry.
So far, no arrests have been made in connection with the break-in Kidman and Urban’s home, though police told TMZ they are investigating the incident.