After days of balmy weather, New York City is slated to get blasted by cold by weekend’s end.
New Yorkers were granted a brief reprieve from the wintry weather this week, with temperatures hovering in the 40s on Friday.
Saturday is slated to be similar, if not a bit damp. With highs expected to peak around 45, that means any precipitation city dwellers see will be wet, not snow. While the morning started off cloudy, scattered rain showers are in the forecast for the afternoon and evening.
By day’s end, temperatures will drop down to the low 30s, courtesy of a wave of arctic air set to chill out much of the Northeast.
Sunday too is set to start off cloudy, with perhaps a bit of rain in the morning hours. As the day wears on though, temperatures are expected to dive into the low 20s, paving the way for some significant snow.
Widespread snowfall of between 2 and 4 inches is possible by 1 a.m. Monday, according to AccuWeather. It will be enough to blanket streets, snarl traffic and slow travel along much of the East Coast.
While the snow is expected to taper off by Monday morning, the weather is expected to be anything but mild. With a high of just 25 and a low reaching around 10 degrees, New Yorkers will likely start off the week with its coldest weather this year yet.
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