THE convicted killer of a teenage intruder in his home has died at the age of 80, a family friend has said.
Tony Martin shot a 16-year-old at his Norfolk farmhouse in 1999.
The following year, Martin was jailed for the boy’s murder and for injuring another 29-year-old man, Brendan Fearon, in the same incident.
It is thought the panicked farmer shot at both burglars after they broke into his secluded property.
His defence for the shooting of Fred Barras was that he pulled the trigger as a warning.
The confrontation divided the nation with reclusive Martin protesting his innocence while others believed he lacked regret over that fateful night.
Martin was released three years later when his murder conviction was reduced to manslaughter.
Living on his own near Wisbech, the semi-derelict farmhouse was in Emneth Hungate.