General Daily Insight for March 01, 2025
Our values and passions are undergoing intricate changes. The Moon in Pisces starts out by conjoining mystical Neptune, encouraging us to be open-hearted and understanding in our actions, but then it will zip into Aries, inspiring a bit more action and energy. That being said, there is a big shift overhead when Venus, the planet of love and luxury, turns retrograde in Aries. This begins a cycle that will force us all to review our relationships with the things that bring us pleasure.
March 21 – April 19
Your inner light might feel a bit dim all of a sudden. You’ve got alluring Venus in your 1st House of Action, giving you an extra special something, but now Venus is turning retrograde for the next six weeks. This shift could leave you feeling as though it’s almost impossible to be your most charming self. Instead of despairing over this cycle, use it as an opportunity to improve your relationship with your concept of inner beauty. Do things because they make you feel good!
April 20 – May 20
It isn’t easy to spot the difference between reality and fantasy. Today, it’s becoming even more difficult, as Venus turns retrograde in your 12th House of the Subconscious. This six-week phase will be impacting you with particular strength, as Venus traditionally rules your sign. Fortunately, you can use this complicated time to your advantage by identifying emotional and romantic baggage, then removing it from your life. By the time Venus turns direct, you’ll be much more free to benefit from its blessings.
May 21 – June 20
You can’t force people to be your friends. It may feel as though your social life has undergone a purge as Venus turns retrograde in your 11th House of Global Networks, forcing you to reexamine which connections are working and which are no longer up to snuff. If people you used to adore simply don’t inspire the same feelings, it may be time for you to part ways. Make sure that you’re certain whether or not this is the case before you give notice!
June 21 – July 22
Bragging about your accomplishments won’t gain you any further success. You ought to exercise more caution about your public image and how you throw your weight around as Venus turns retrograde in your professional sector. It’ll be dangerously easy to rub people the wrong way or read the room totally incorrectly! You may also feel like you have to work harder to get any recognition, and that probably isn’t your imagination. Play it safe, rather than showing your hand to everyone.
July 23 – August 22
The world may abruptly appear far less alluring. The reason for this trepidation is Venus turning retrograde in your expansion sector, which could leave you a little uncertain whether you truly want to move beyond your comfortable surroundings. Normally you’d be ready and raring to go, but with bountiful Venus presently asleep at the wheel, some extra hesitancy is more than natural — it’s wise. Move slowly and carefully. Your taste for excitement should return soon enough, but not just yet.
August 23 – September 22
You have a lot to offer, but just because you can offer something doesn’t mean you should. Alluring Venus is in your intimate 8th house, which would usually make for a wonderful time to bond with others. Since Venus is turning retrograde for the next six weeks, benefitting from its charming influence won’t be quite so simple! Make a point to avoid going overboard for anyone or anything. Only give away your time or energy if you know it will be appreciated and reciprocated.
September 23 – October 22
You’re known for being a bit of a people-pleaser, but that may not hold much appeal to you now. Your ruler Venus is turning retrograde in your 7th House of Partnerships, which could cast a glare across some important connections in your life. Perhaps you’re done playing Nice Libra and want to get down to brass tacks and let people know where they aren’t meeting your needs! Maybe you’ll decide to completely recalibrate the way you seek out friends. Give yourself permission to change.
October 23 – November 21
Scorpio, this is just one of those days. You don’t have to wake up on the wrong side of the bed to be thrown off by Venus turning retrograde in your efficient 6th house. People may be less eager to lend a helping hand in general. They could also act rather unsympathetic to your problems, ignoring your venting and leaving you to handle everything. Instead of getting overwhelmed, lean into radical acceptance and let any difficulties wash over you, increasing your resilience.
November 22 – December 21
Getting your heart’s desire is rarely simple, and it certainly isn’t now. Today’s cosmic backup is due to fun-loving Venus turning retrograde in your 5th House of Passion, putting the kibosh on your attempts to bring joy and harmony to your life. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible, but that you’ll probably need to work harder and perhaps break down a few old convictions about where your pleasure comes from and how you deal with them. Figure that out, and things will improve.
December 22 – January 19
This is no time for a makeover — at least not on the home front. Aesthetic Venus is turning retrograde in your home-centered 4th house. Venus Retrograde could take your innate sense of taste and style and basically throw it out the window! Avoid throwing money at your abode for the time being, especially on permanent renovations, as you’ll likely come to dislike whatever you do. Inexpensive, temporary fixes are alright, but you will probably come to regret any major redecorations.
January 20 – February 18
Community activities might not have their usual vibrant shine. You may notice a favored group seems a little more dull than usual as Venus turns retrograde in your locally focused 3rd house. Venus normally brings less complex diversions, but during this transit, you might feel the need to make more of an effort to enjoy yourself. There could also be a lack of options for the retrograde’s duration. Don’t worry — you’ve got all the spark required to consciously create fun!
February 19 – March 20
This is no time to act like money grows on trees. Lucrative Venus is turning retrograde in your 2nd House of Earned Income, so the wisest thing you can do for the next while would be to hold off on splurging or cavalier spending. You may also feel as though money-making opportunities are in short supply, or that you have to cut a few corners to make ends meet. Rather than letting this swamp you, consider it a chance to get more financially creative.