City officials are shocked by language in the state budget bill that would shift appointment authority for the Gary/Chicago International Airport Authority while state legislators avoid questions on who put the language in the bill.
House Bill 1001, the state budget bill, includes language that would shift two appointments from the Gary mayor to the mayors of Crown Point and Hammond to appoint a person each to the Gary Airport Board.
Currently, four Gary/Chicago International Airport Authority members are appointed by the Gary mayor and the governor; Lake County and Porter County officials appoint one person each. Under the budget bill, two appointees from the Gary mayor will shift to mayors in Crown Point and Hammond.
State Rep. Ed Soliday, R-Valparaiso, said in a statement the House-passed budget shifts “the make up of the airport board for a more regional approach, bringing in other key partners, including the cities of Hammond and Crown Point, alongside Gary.”

“The Gary Airport has the potential to be a significant economic driver for our region and state. For the last several years, community leaders have been working together to regionalize the airport to expand its scope and benefit all of Northwest Indiana,” Soliday said.
The budget also includes an appropriation of $9.7 million for a new cargo ramp to help expand the airport, Soliday said.
State Rep. Earl Harris Jr., D-East Chicago, said he wasn’t part of the conversation when the Gary Airport Board language was added to the bill. Harris, a member of the House Ways and Means committee, which reviews the budget, said he found out about it as the public did.
Harris said he couldn’t remember if the language was included in the initial budget bill or if it was added to the bill after the committee approved the budget.

“As someone that represents part of Gary, my preference would be for the city of Gary to keep their representation on the board, especially since it is an airport that’s located in Gary,” Harris said.
During a town hall meeting earlier this month, Gary Mayor Eddie Melton criticized the addition to the House budget.
“That was a cowardly move,” Melton said of the anonymous budget insertion.
“Not to author a bill and to own it …this is our airport. We’re paying the bills. I’ve talked to the mayor of Chicago and made him aware. I believe it’s because of the progress we’ve made,” Melton said.
Hammond Mayor Thomas McDermott said he was told by a lobbyist that Hammond was added to the bill because it is a member of the Indiana Regional Development Authority.
“It wasn’t initiated by anyone by the city of Hammond,” McDermott said. “I was surprised. I had nothing to do with it.”
Crown Point Mayor Peter Land said in a statement he’s been made aware of the proposed language in the state budget bill.
“I have not had any direct communications with either the Mayor of Gary or Hammond on this legislation change; however, should a final version of the bill be adopted that includes this appointment, I will take the necessary steps to select an appropriate individual for this board,” Land said.
The budget is being discussed by the Senate.