A beloved member of the Long Beach community is celebrating receiving birthday cards from strangers across the world, thanks to a Next Door post his mom made four years ago.
Nathan Bonsteel, a young man with Down syndrome who loves Disney and the Dodgers, is going to turn 24 years old on March 22. His wish is to connect with people far and wide.
During the COVID-19 lockdown, Nathan’s mom, Cindy Bonsteel, thought it would be a good idea to have people send him letters.
She posted a request on the Next Door app, and it took off.
“He has received some from the UK, Australia, Canada, the US,” Cindy told KTLA’s Carlos Saucedo. “It’s fun to open up a map and show him where we live and how far away the cards have come from.”
The most cards Nathan ever received happened two years ago, when more than 3,000 birthday cards were sent to his Long Beach address.
“It was during COVID, and he was not in school. Since then, he’s out of school and he doesn’t have a day program, he’s just at home with me,” said Cindy. “I just thought, ‘Let’s bring this kid some joy,’ and then in turn we realized how much it was bringing other people joy.”
Cindy said they’re grateful for the love and support Nathan receives around his birthday, especially from strangers.
“This year, he’s only got 78 so far,” Cindy said on Sunday.
However, with a week left before Nathan’s birthday, his family and community are hopeful that plenty more cards will come in.
Those looking to send Nathan a birthday card can mail it to 6938 E. Fairbrook St. in Long Beach.