Civil rights leader Rev. Al Sharpton is raising concerns on social media over the looming criminal trial of rapper A$AP Rocky. Sharpton has suggested that racial bias may be at play, zeroing in on what he views as a critical issue: the fairness of the jury selection process.
On Jan. 23, it was reported that seven women and five men were selected to be jururs in A$AP Rocky’s trial. Surprisingly, despite Los Angeles’ racial make up, none of the selected jurors were Black. The chosen jurors are white, Asian and Hispanic and the four women selected as alternates jurors were also not Black.
In a powerful statement on Wednesday, Jan. 22, Sharpton and the Los Angeles chapter of the National Action Network drew attention to a stark racial disparity in the jury pool of the rapper’s trial.
The caption read, “Out of one hundred and six (106) people called to potentially sit as jurors in A$AP Rocky’s trial in Los Angeles, there are only 4 black people.”

The National Action Network founder stressed in part that Rocky “deserves to be judged fairly by his peers, as is his Constitutional right.”
He further described in the length statement the current jury composition as “absolutely ridiculous” and declared that something appears “very wrong with the system.”
Rocky’s legal challenges are substantial. The 36-year-old rapper faces two felony counts of assault with a semiautomatic firearm, stemming from a November 2021 shooting incident involving a dispute with his former friend and fellow A$AP Mob group mate Terell Ephron, also known as A$AP Relli. The composition of the jury could present an additional challenge, an issue Rocky’s counsel has raised in court this week.
As Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Mark Arnold heard a defense request this week for a hearing about why the jury pool has so few African-American members, Rocky attorney Joe Tacopina said in court, “We’re troubled by that, to say the least. We’re in downtown Los Angeles not a small town in Montana.” Los Angeles County’s population is approximately nine percent African-American. Arnold rejected the defense request, which Rocky’s lawyers say they will appeal.
Sharpton’s most critical observation was the complete absence of Black jurors in the first 30 potential candidates.
“When we have four (4) black people in the city of Los Angeles, out of one hundred and six (106) — and exactly zero (0) within in the first thirty (30) possible candidates for the jury — something appears to be very wrong with the system,” he stated in the caption.
The civil rights leader has committed to closely monitoring the trial and has directly challenged the Los Angeles District Attorney to “ensure that fair and representative justice is afforded to #ASAPRocky.”
The comments on Sharpton’s Instagram post reflect broader community concerns about representation in the judicial system. Supporters voiced various perspectives:
“His atty needs to point this out,” one commenter said.
Another added, “That’s why Johnnie Cochran made sure his clients had good representation.”
Some shifted the conversation to systemic jury selection issues. One asked, “How many if us show up for jury duty? And when we do, how are they qualifying us to serve?”
Another shared a personal experience, “Every time I served, I was the only black person. Odds are never in our favor.”
Rocky’s trial, which began on Jan. 21, could potentially result in up to 24 years in prison if he is convicted on all charges. The case involves an alleged shooting during an argument in Hollywood, California, where Rocky is accused of firing a gun twice in the direction of Ephron.
His legal team, led by Tacopina, has been forthright about their strategy.
“We’re ready to go. It’s been a long time,” Tacopina said last week, according to The Associated Press.
He further elaborated that the case “has been something that’s waiting over Rocky’s head and Rihanna and their family’s heads for a while. We’re anxious to get this thing underway and get this behind him.”
The rapper, a father of two with partner Rihanna, continues to maintain his innocence. His team has rejected plea deals and maintains that the gun involved was a “prop gun.”
MSNBC talking head’s legal intervention underscores the National Action Network’s ongoing commitment to challenging perceived racial inequities in the justice system. By drawing national attention to the jury selection process, he aims to ensure that A$AP Rocky receives a fair and representative trial.
The AP reported that proceedings continued Thursday with a jury of five men and seven men being selected. Opening statements began on Jan. 24.