(NewsNation) — The Mexican cartel blamed for the deadly 2019 ambush of Rhonita Miller and her four children should be designated a terrorist organization, Miller’s sister tells “NewsNation Now.”
The Trump administration recently tagged eight cartels and gangs as terror groups, but the Juárez cartel and its strongarm faction, La Línea, were not among them.
They continue to commit a variety of crimes along the border separating El Paso and Juárez, Maria Miller said.
“We want them added to the list,” she said. “I was surprised, honestly, to see them not on the list.”
The cartel’s attack killed two other women and two additional children; five children survived. All of the victims were dual U.S.-Mexican citizens and members of a Mormon community who were driving in a caravan in Northern Mexico at the time gunmen ambushed them.
Maria Miller said her sister and children were set on fire.
“Since then, my family has just been devastated by this tragedy. We have done everything in our power to try to find justice,” she said.
She praised Trump for coming up with the idea then of designating the cartel as a terrorist organization but said she could not explain why his administration overlooked the Juárez cartel and La Línea in its recent action.