ALEXANDRIA, Va. (DC News Now) — The Alexandria City Council is considering a plan to use the free public transportation system, instead of school buses, to get to and from campus.
The proposed plan would use DASH bus stops at Alexandria City High School.
“As a school board member, I’ve seen firsthand that we’ve been having, challenges recruiting, school bus drivers,” Councilman Abdel Elnoubie said as a reason why he pushed the measure.
The switch, according to Elnoubi, would free up resources for the Alexandria City School District to focus on getting elementary and middle schoolers to their destinations.
The proposal would fall in line with a Virginia law passed in 2024 that seeks alternative ways to transport students.
“I just think if there’s an alternative for someone or a child or a person, that would be great,” said Wanda Lane, who supports the plan.
One thing still to be determined — how much switching to DASH will save the school district.
“We welcome the conversation to find a more efficient and sustainable solution for Alexandria’s youth,” said DASH General Manager and CEO Josh Baker.” We’re committed to working with the City and ACPS to see how we can best partner in solving pupil transportation.”
“While we understand the City Council’s interest in exploring alternative transportation models, any such decision must be grounded in a thorough, data-driven analysis,” said Alexandria School Board Chair Michele Rief. “The School Board is committed to ensuring that any decisions made reflect the best interests of our students, their safety and the needs of the community.”
Darnell Johnson opposes the proposal for safety reasons.
“Keep them on school busses, not DASH buses,” Johnson said. “There’s too many people getting on the DASH buses, older folks and stuff like that.”
Elnoubie said students are already using DASH buses, again, since the service is free. More could soon take advantage of it.
A decision on whether to go through with the plan, according to Elnoubie, could be made in the Spring.