
Don’t know where to get good outdoor gear? These gifts are perfect for beginner and advanced outdoor enthusiasts. (iStock )
Black Friday is when you want to start checking off people on your holiday list. There are major sales on just about everything, so you should have no problem finding a little something for everyone. If you’ve got outdoorsy people on your list that like to hike, camp or snowshoe, this list can help you get gifts they won’t be able to stop talking about.
Retailers like Amazon, L.L. Bean, Eddie Bauer and Columbia are all joining in on the Black Friday sales. They have sleeping bags, tents, boots, hats and camping gear on sale for hundreds off. Check out all the deals these retailers have this Black Friday.
Original price: $799
The camper in your life will love this professional-level Karakoram sleeping bag that can withstand temperatures as low as -30. It’s made from water-repellent materials, but it’s still lightweight enough to hike with.
Original price: $55
Hikers of all kinds can always use a good pair of trekking poles like these from Eddie Bauer. They’re designed for all-season use, so they’re ideal for summer and winter hikers. They break down into three sections for easy storage as well.
Original price: $45
Spending time outdoors often means spending time in the dark. A rechargeable collapsible lantern is easy to bring along for a quick source of light when needed. This one also glows in the dark, so you’ll never lose it.
Original price: $55
Campers, hikers and anyone who likes to spend time relaxing outside will appreciate this water-repellent outdoor blanket. It rolls up and has a handle for easy carrying.
Original price: $179.99
Coleman propane camping stoves are a classic for a reason. They’re durable, compact and easy to use. There are built-in wind panels that make cooking easier, and campers can fit two 12-inch pans or three eight-inch pans.
Most purchases can be delivered to your door in 24 hours if you’re an Amazon Prime member. You can join or start a 30-day free trial to start your holiday shopping today.
Original price: $37.99
Is there a winter hiker in your family? Or someone who works outside? Rechargeable hand warmers can help folks who spend their time outside keep their hands warm. The hand warmers can be recharged quickly and are compact enough to easily fit into any pocket.
Original price: $200
Get the outdoorsy people in your life a heated soft shell jacket. In the jacket, there’s a fast-charging power bank that evenly heats the entire jacket. The jacket itself is made of a water-repellent fabric and has a soft inner shell.
Original price: $15.99
Winter outdoor enthusiasts could use a new beanie and an LED light to stay safe while out in the evening. This LED beanie from Amazon combines both into one gift. There are dozens of colors and patterns to choose from, and the LED light is easily replaceable.
Original price: $46.99
A backpack with a built-in cooler and chair is great for the fishermen or fisherwomen in your life. They can carry all their gear and snacks in the backpack, their drinks in the lined cooler and sit while fishing on the fold down chair.
Original price: $120
A good pair of hiking boots that can handle any condition is the ideal gift for hikers and walkers. Columbia’s Gunnison Omni-Heat boot can easily conquer wet and cold conditions. The all-terrain traction outsoles can handle advanced trails while keeping the wearer’s feet warm.
Original price: $100
A women’s Powder Lite vest will keep anyone who spends fall and winter outside warm. It has a thermal-reflective material that will trap heat, and it’s water-resistant, so it’s helpful while hiking or walking in the rain.
Original price: $85
The Convey rolltop backpack is a hiker’s dream. It fits two water bottles and has a huge inner pocket and a rolltop that’s easy to open and close. There are also reflective safety accents and contoured padded shoulder straps that make it comfortable to wear even on long hikes.
Original price: $69
L.L. Bean’s waterproof outdoor blankets are built for cool, wet weather. It’s a versatile blanket with a waterproof backing that keeps out moisture. The other side has a soft fleece feel for keeping warm.
Original price: $49.95
A new headlamp is a good gift for walkers, hikers and anyone who wants to get outside even when it’s dark. The Trailblazer headlamp is not only bright and comfortable to wear, it’s stylish, too. The battery can be recharged over and over again via a micro USB.
Original price: $269.95
Snowshoers who want to take their game up to the next level will absolutely love these advanced explore snowshoes. They’re made for more intense hiking and hikes that last most of the day.
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Original price: $449
Upgrade the tent of any camper in your life by getting this Northern Guide four-person tent. It’s extremely weatherproof, so it’s ideal for more hardcore campers. There’s also a rear mud room that holds muddy boots and other camping gear, so the tent is as comfortable as possible.